Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I spent Sunday at the wonderful L.A. County Fair. Serena and I posed in as many of the kitschy wood cutouts as we could find. I shot a bunch of Polaroids, had a hot dog on a stick, and some unusually light creme fraise ice cream. Here is a "best of" from the day and night. The fairplex is so huge that I'm going back Thursday to see what I missed.

See even more shots from the L.A. County Fair on my Flickr page.


Bryan Villarin said...

Glad you had so much fun. I hope the $60 in Polaroids was worth it! (Kidding - it was. Nice shots!)

Lydia Marcus said...

actually i alloted 4 boxes of polaroids for the day and only shot 28 images total (which is less than 3 boxes) - and equivalent to a around $28-$30 bucks. i would NEVER shoot $60 bucks of Polaroids in a day - that is just crazy ;-)

but glad you liked the shots :-)

you know you're gonna start shooting Polaroids soon and put down that crazy digital format.

Bryan Villarin said...

I was just estimating $3/Polaroid photo, that's all. :)

I'm not leaving digital - EVER!

Lydia Marcus said...

ah, well i never have paid $3 bucks a shot for Polaroid in my life. i always look for deals and stock up. i usually spent about $1 buck to $1.25 a shot for 600 and I've bought the peel apart stuff for .50 cents to a buck a shot.